zaterdag 24 maart 2012


Two months ago I switched my Product Design study to Spatial Design. It's not that I wasn't happy at the Product department but it I felt a little too free in what to make and that freedom was actually binding me into unknowness. The Spatial department focuses on urban and interior design and thus will always have a direction (goal) to work to, it is something you need to keep in mind. A more direct guideline is what I needed (though sometimes the study itself can be very autonomous). The best thing I noticed is that in both studies you are allowed to research, experiment and design anything you like.

The switch was not hard at all because the content is quite the same: both are very spacious oriented (as in 3 dimensional) so they have a lot in common in they way you need to think and design.

The only thing I miss are the friends I made at the Product department. Since there only are around 30 people, we got very close. The Spatial department has over 60 students so it's hard to get to know everyone. Also because the groups are formed already. But now I have found friends in all groups and in different classes.

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