Utrecht School of the Arts

The school system

Together with another class there are around 35 students in my year of Product Design.

Generally each year at the academy consists of 4 "blokken" - parts. And ech "blok" consists of 8 weeks. During eacht of these periods, we get other teachers and new assignmenst. All of the assignments have to be completed by the end of the blok because they need to be evalueted during a "Beoordeling" - judgement. You can either get a good or a bad mark.

Twice a year there is a "Schouw" - evaluation in which you and your work get evaluated by the main teachers. They will see if you're compatile with the school and the study. By presenting all of your work, you need to prove that you've got creativity and that you can grow at this academy. If good, there's no problem. If bad you might need to think over your decision and maybe even consider a different study (at the HKU).

Tough stuff, but it's also a great adventure and a lot of fun!

As a Product student, the subjects we have are as following.

Algemene Beeldende Ontwikkeling - General Expressive Development

Product Ontwerp - Product Design


Cultuurstudies - Cultural Studies

Materiaal - Material


Since I have switched my study course, the subjects have changed  as well.
As a Spatial student, these are my new subjects.

Artistieke ontwikkeling: Kennis en Ontwerp - Artistic development: Knowledge and Design

Artistieke ontwikkeling: Techniek en Vaardigheid - Artistic development: Technics and Skills

Technische ontwikkeling: Kennis en Ontwerp - Technical development: Knowledge and Design

Technische ontwikkeling: Techniek en Vaardigheid - Technical development: Technics and Skills

Project oefening - Project Excercise


ABO and CTS are still in the package and are the same as in Product Design.

In my first year there were around 70 students at the Spatial Design department. During the first year almost half of that number quit. We will continue with around 35 students (including the evening group).