dinsdag 31 januari 2012

Seminar Photoshop & Indesign

My last week of the seminar month will be occupied with learning to work with Photoshop. At school the Macs are installed with Adobe Photoshop CS5; pretty fancy stuff.
We will also concentrate on the software called Indesign which is used by professionals who edit magazines, newspapers, etc.

In just two days we've already mastered a few skills and tools. It's fun to work with layers, brightness/contrast, transform and the magic wand. But it is also difficult.

At day 1 we got explanation of how to make pictures free of the environment and to use layers. The picture below shows that I can free two people from a coloured setting and place them in a new background.

Kendoka's meet Rome

Day 2 we had to experiment with the layers and set our previously made products in a new setting. It's hard to create a truthworthy image since the all the pictures have a different kind of lighting and perspective.
Afterwards I noticed that a setting with water can make it difficult to place objects in it, since it would not look realistic...

My Products in a Japanese Garden

The 3rd day for the first time in my life I opened the  programme Indesign to  play with the layout of a document. How to make columns, frame pictures with text, changing the background colours, etc. Sine I am used to the Word software, it was a little hard to control the new shortcutkeys on a Mac.

Classmate Clones

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