SALE Japan


During the first semester of the third year, it is possible to study abroad. Since I am half dutch and half japanese, I have decided to study for five months at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. They have an Arts and Design Faculty and I will be attending courses of the Architectural Design and Environmental Design departments.
There is no exchange agreement between both universities and thus I will study there as a guest student.
My departure is mid September 2013 and I plan to return in February.


Of course I have to make financial preparations to pay for the plane ticket, rent of the room, course fees and other living expenses. Just asking family and friends for donations seemed inappropriate; I will be putting up for sale most of the work I made during these 2 years at the HKU. A small selection of older work will also be for sale. In the photo studio of my father everybody will be welcome to have a look at those works. 

Through Facebook I will create an event in which family and friends can join. For those who have no Facebook, I will send them an email with the details.   

Here follows a list of the works I will be selling. Instead of a fixed price, I have added the estimated time that went into making the products (from concept through designing process to producing), leaving the amount of the price up to the kindness of the buyer. Every bit helps.

List of objects

Blok 2, Rocking Chairs, Wood, 20 hours. SOLD

Blok 2, TKO, Uncomfortable Chair, Wood and Steel, 12 hours.

Blok 3 & 4, ABO, Paintings, Acryl on paper, 27 hours.

Blok 1, PRO, Transformatorhuis, Finnish wood, 41 hours.

Blok 3, ATV, Transformatorhuis, plexiglass, 13 hours.

Blok 2, PRO, Watchtower, Wood and Plastic, 52 hours.

Blok 3, PRO, Miyazaki Atelier, Wood and Steel, 43 hours

Blok 4, PRO, Cemetery, Laser cut wood, 56 hours.

"Leaves" painting, acrylic, 7 hours. SOLD

"Tiger and Dragon" screen painting, acrylic, 18 hours. SOLD

"Cameleon", baked clay, 9 hours. SOLD

"Fossil of a Fish", carved soap stone, 9 hours. SOLD

"Snake", metal wire and rings, 1 hours.

"Wooly Bull", baked clay, 3 hours. SOLD

"Three creatures", carved sand stone, 9 hours. SOLD

Comment after the event

The event was a great success! Much appreciation for those who bought a piece of art and many thanks to all the people who came visiting and say goodbye and good luck! It is an extra motivation to learn a lot and have some fun.
As a short reflection: it is highly recommended for the future to sell (small) objects instead of (frameless, big) drawings and scale models. It is also important to put my name on every piece so if I ever become famous, my friends can say "I have a real Van Riel".

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