woensdag 28 maart 2012

Progress feb - mar 2012: Blok 3

What did I learn during Blok 3 at the Spatial Design department?

AKO: it is good to experiment a lot, but when making the final product, try to break out of the sketchlike working method and put more time and attention in it.

PRO: during a presentation, trying too much to undermine your nerves can result in presentating as if you're uninterested and bored. 
Even when in a researching stadium, try to think of a lot of different concepts and make a lot of sketchy 3D models. It will improve the development of your concepts for the project.

PJO: when having done research, do not leave the results and conclusions for what they are, but try to combine them in your following concept.

TTV: working with software looks easy and quick, but once you get into it, time flies without noticing it.

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