University of Tsukuba

Kiwa's time schedule

The span of the undergraduate program of the University of Tsukuba is 4 years. Each year is divided in two semesters which consist of 3 modules (A, B and C). Most of the classes are held during modules A and B.

Each lesson takes 75 minutes and between them is a 15 minute break for switching classes. The time schedule of one day at the University of Tsukuba is:

1.   8:40 -   9:55
2. 10:10 - 11:25
3. 12:15 - 13:30
4. 13:45 - 15:00
5. 15:15 - 16:30
6. 16:45 - 18:00

After two weeks of trial and error, the final schedule for my study at the University of Tsukuba has become like this:

1. -
2. -
3. -
4. クラフト基礎実習 - Ceramics (AB, 1 credit)
5. クラフト基礎実習 - Ceramics
6. -

1. -
2. デザイン史概説 - Architecture History (AB, 1 credit)
3. 情報デザイン発達史 - Information Design History (AB, 1 credit)
4. 工芸工作実習 C - Glass (AB, 1 credit)
5. 工芸工作実習 C - Glass
6. -

1. -
2. 素描実習 I-2 - Sculpture Drawing (ABC, 1,5 credit)
3. 素描実習 I-2 - Sculpture Drawing
4. 建築講法論 - Architecture Building Regulations Theory (AB, 2 credits)
5. -
6. -

1. 基礎造形演習 - Colour (ABC, 1,5 credit)
2. -
3. -
4. 都市デザイン論 - Urban Design Theory (AB, 2 credits) *
5. 都市デザイン論 - Urban Design Theory
6. -

* From January (module C) the Urban Design Theory on thursday will change into the class デザイン演習6 - Design Practice (1 credit).

1. -
2. 感性デザイン学 - Kansei (Emotion) Design Theory (AB, 1 credit)
3. 生産デザイン論 - Production Design Theory (AB, 1 credit)
4. 環境・建築デザイン演習 - Environmental / Architecture Design Excercise (AB, 3 credits)
5. 環境・建築デザイン演習 - Environmental / Architecture Design Excercise
6. 環境・建築デザイン演習 - Environmental / Architecture Design Excercise

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