woensdag 28 maart 2012

Progress feb - mar 2012: Blok 3

What did I learn during Blok 3 at the Spatial Design department?

AKO: it is good to experiment a lot, but when making the final product, try to break out of the sketchlike working method and put more time and attention in it.

PRO: during a presentation, trying too much to undermine your nerves can result in presentating as if you're uninterested and bored. 
Even when in a researching stadium, try to think of a lot of different concepts and make a lot of sketchy 3D models. It will improve the development of your concepts for the project.

PJO: when having done research, do not leave the results and conclusions for what they are, but try to combine them in your following concept.

TTV: working with software looks easy and quick, but once you get into it, time flies without noticing it.

dinsdag 27 maart 2012

Blok 3 (first blok at Spatial Design!)

After a succesfully enclosed first Schouw, I switched from Product Design to Spatial Design.
Now time has proceeded and Blok 3 already has ended along with my first Beoordeling at the Spatial department. I passed all my subjects (as far as I know, the results are not official yet). Here are some pictures.

Artistieke ontwikkeling: Kennis en Ontwerp - Artistic development: Knowledge and Design
Assignment: create two boxes. One for looking at it and one for feeling it. Use natural materials and synthetic materials. The theme of each box must the oppocite of the other.
[pictures must be uploaded yet]

Artistieke ontwikkeling: Techniek en Vaardigheid - Artistic development: Technic and Skill
Assignment: make mold for pouring concrete. The mold has to be 2m high.

LEGO man

LEGO leg

LEGO head

LEGO man 2

Assignment: research an archetypic room and design an ultimate room.

Elemental Bedroom concept
 The four elements water, earth, fire and air must be experienced in the bedroom. This concept is meant to give inner calmness by creating rituals that organise and stabilize life. Examples of expressing the elements: walking through water, odours of plants, filtered light.

Elemental Bedroom first design

Elemental Bedroom first design
 The brown area's are the floors of the bedroom. The bushes and the off-white surface are walls. The whole room has the shape of a quarter of a circle and has a quarter of a dome as third wall and roof.

Elementaal Bedroom final design
Elemental Bedroom final design
The quarter of a circle has changed into a whole circle with a whole dome on top of it. The bedroom is also connected to the bathroom (same construction) which is halve a floor downstairs. Highlights: some plants growing from the dome create mood by filtering light and the relaxing sound of water falling from the bedroom into the bathroom.

Project oefening - Project exercise
Assignment: research the amount of times of (an object in) a place and create a 3-dimensional reproduction of the gathered information.


Technische ontwikkeling: Kennis en Ontwerp - Technical development: Knowledge and Design
Assignment: create a light element. It has to be made out of synthetic sheet material. It has to hang from two points. It has to be made out of a monoclastic form.

Mr. Armu

My light element is called Mr. Armu because it reminds me of an armadillo.

Technische ontwikkeling: Techniek en Vaardigheid - Technical development: Technic and Skill
Assignment: make in the Adobe software Illustrator a plan/map to use in your PRO assignment. (pictures are presented onder the subject PRO).

zaterdag 24 maart 2012


Two months ago I switched my Product Design study to Spatial Design. It's not that I wasn't happy at the Product department but it I felt a little too free in what to make and that freedom was actually binding me into unknowness. The Spatial department focuses on urban and interior design and thus will always have a direction (goal) to work to, it is something you need to keep in mind. A more direct guideline is what I needed (though sometimes the study itself can be very autonomous). The best thing I noticed is that in both studies you are allowed to research, experiment and design anything you like.

The switch was not hard at all because the content is quite the same: both are very spacious oriented (as in 3 dimensional) so they have a lot in common in they way you need to think and design.

The only thing I miss are the friends I made at the Product department. Since there only are around 30 people, we got very close. The Spatial department has over 60 students so it's hard to get to know everyone. Also because the groups are formed already. But now I have found friends in all groups and in different classes.