woensdag 24 juli 2013

Blok 3, year 2 (Feb - Mar 2013)

Technische ontwikkeling: Kennis en Ontwerp - Technical development: Knowledge and Design
Assignment: create a 3D object with double curved surfaces out of sheet material using 3D software.
Product: round sitting element made out of polypropylene (PP).
Reflection: a form that is too complicated can not be made 

Model printed on paper
Paper model
Simplified product in PP

Artistieke ontwikkeling: Kennis en Ontwerp - Artistic development: Knowledge and Design

Assignment: create layers with information about the school building. 
Product: An open box with layers consisting of different types of materials. 
Reflection: information can be divided in two types: hard (something visible, measurable) and soft (to sense it, a mood or a feeling). 

Poster presentation

Artistieke ontwikkeling: Techniek en Vaardigheid - Artistic development: Technics and Skills
Assignment: create a scale model of one of your existing projects with a maximum of two types of materials. 
Product: the Transformatorhuis from Blok 1 has been made out of plexiglass. The walls are completely translucent and the furniture (three blocks) is matte. 
Reflection: this type of material seems to be quite hard and cold. Depending on the purpose of the model, adding colour or another type of material could soften the mood.

Model of plexiglass

Assignment: create a working space for your idol. You must make a route which takes the user from the entrance to the working area. The size of the available space is 7x11x7m.
Product: The japanese animator and film director Hayao Miyazaki is my idol. His love for nature and sarcastic view on the humans and their industry/technology are the base of my concept: the nature is freeing itself from the humans' grasp. 
Reflection: getting carried away with the steel plates and lighting, I forgot to pay attention to the route and the interior. Next time I should make the sketching models bigger to have a better look at the space.

Miyazaki Atelier
Steel plates control the incoming light
The tree frees itself

zondag 21 juli 2013

Schouw 3, Blok 1 + 2, 2012

At the end of December was my second Schouw at the Spatial Design department.
A few reflections and advises I got from my teachers to break my head on.

AKO: when making compositions try to use more different types of materials. It will deepen your knowledge of expression, colour and space.

TKO: even if the assignment is a technical one, do not forget that there is always a conceptual part as well.

PRO: When designing something, do not focus too much on the details, but try to look at the whole picture. Even when the concept and form studies seem fine, try to experiment more with them, just to make sure why this is the best solution for your idea. 
My work seems to be played a little too safe. By searching and experimenting with abstract pictures and objects, the concept gets a very good base to start from. The form follows naturally from a good substantiated base. It has to start a discussion. 

The Schouw presentations are held in classrooms. Usually there are two students per classroom. Because of the limited space, it is quite difficult to arrange your work properly and often we help each other make the preparations. During our first year we had to show literally everything we made, but from the second year we had to make a selection by ourselves. 

Presentation, PRO blok 2 in the front 
PRO blok 1
Technical and artistic excercises

Blok 2, year 2 (Nov - Dec 2012)

Technische ontwikkeling: Kennis en Ontwerp - Technical development: Knowledge and Design
Assignment: make a chair according to technical drawings of someone else. 
Product: an uncomfortable chair that would fall over if you don't divide your body weight properly over the seating area. 
Reflection: Reading drawings and understanding the idea of someone else is very important. Your own drawings should be as clear as possible as well if somebody else is making your product.

Uncomfortable Chair

Algemene Beeldende Ontwikkeling - General Expressive Development
Assignment: make a Portable Home.
Product: A foldable frame of a house consisting of bamboo and 
Reflection: A home is a place of your own. In this case, the boundaries created by the frame are enough to keep strangers out of your territory.

Portable House
Folded state of the Portable House

Artistieke ontwikkeling: Techniek en Vaardigheid - Artistic development: Technics and Skills
Assignment: create an A1 sized poster presentation of one your projects. 
Product: a poster of the Transformatorhuis from Blok 1, with different types of pictures (hand drawn, technical, photographs).
Reflection: the cohesion between photographs, drawings and text should provide all the necessary information. The layout must draw attention and express the concept of the idea. 

Poster Transformatorhuis

Assignment: design a watchtower for the Java Eiland in Amsterdam.
Product: A waving object that expresses the strong wind and water present at the Java Eiland. 
Reflection: Research about abstract pictures and three dimensional compositions are important for developing the concept before I start with form studies.
Scenery from Watchtower
Form study 
Panoramic view with multiple Watchtowers